
Carrots Don’t Grow Up

     One day after school, Donald passed through a carrot farm, he saw Mr. Farmer harvesting carrots. The carrots were big, red and so beautiful! Donald really wanted to have a carrot, so he asked Mr Farmer for one, but the farmer gave him two carrot seeds only.

     The second day, Donald planted a seed into the soil and watered it once. He just waited for it to grow. A week later, he saw that the plants were still nothing but soil. There were no leaves. He had to wait.

     A month later, Donald still couldn’t see the carrot growing. He was very sad, so he asked Mr Farmer for help. He wanted to ask him how to take care of carrots. Mr Farmer said, “You were too lazy! This seed can no longer grow. Try again when you get home. Take the other seed, water it and keep it in the sunshine every day. Then, you will see it grow slowly but you need to work hard!”

     When Donald came home, he immediately planted the other seed in the soil, watered it and put it under the sun every day. A week later, the plant grew some small leaves. Donald ran to Mr Farmer and thanked him. He then understood that he should work hard to get the plants to grow.


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