
The Mystic Manor

     Once upon a time, there was an old man named Oliver who lived in a big mansion called the Mystic Manor. He was a very mystic and funny man, but there was one thing that he hated a lot and it was talking to other people, but he loved talking with his clever little pet monkey named Mike. Mike was a very smart but naughty monkey.

     Oliver and Mike would always go on dangerous adventures together and find lots of treasure. They found tons and tons of diamonds, a magic teacup, a talking piano and many other interesting things. They had found everything.

     However, there was something mystic about the treasure. Every night when the clock hit midnight, all of the treasure came to life. The thing was, that Oliver didn’t know about it. Only Mike knew! Isn’t that weird?

     Every night before bed, Mike would go to the big treasure room to meet and sing with all the things they had found, and sometimes it could get a little crazy! The violins would fly away, the diamonds would break and the rare mirror would dance around the room and get wild. Totally not under control! And then, when it was a bright and beautiful day again, the things would all go back to normal.

     That’s all about the Mystic Manor. It’s crazy, but mystic! Will anyone ever find it?



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